Wednesday, September 26, 2007


"Every memory of looking out the back door
I have a photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
its hard to say it,
it's time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye"

-Nickelback (Photograph)

September 18, 2007

Dear Jonathan,

When I got home from work today, I looked through a bunch of photos from my life before I had met you. Pictures of my family and friends, pictures of trips I've taken. Looking through pictures always stirs up a wide range of emotions. Well, I guess it's mostly bittersweet feelings!

I'm so happy and thankful for the good times and friends I've had, and yet, looking at photos reminds me that those times are over, gone, finished. Everyone has changed. Now, of course, that's not really a bad thing at all. It means people have grown, moved forward with their lives, and most of the people I still have contact with.

Anyway, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." And I'm very excited about this new beginning of our relationship! I can't wait to start making new memories with you! I'm looking forward to spending time with you, dancing with you, praying with you, laughing with you, sharing (yup, I said sharing!) with you, learning about you, growing with you, playing air hockey and any other games with you, going to the beach with you, just being outside with you, walking with you, running (well, you'll still be walking) with you, travelling with you, overcoming challenges with you, hoping and dreaming with you. And of course having plenty of pictures of all of it!

All that being said, I do hope sometime I can show you all the pictures I was looking at today, tell you about the people in them, the experiences I had, for they have all been so important in influencing who I am today, and are very much a part of me. I'm also looking forward to you meeting more of my family and friends. And I look forward to meeting yours, to learning more about you, the people and experiences that have helped make you who you are today. Maybe you have some photos from your past you could show me sometime?

I love and respect you so much!

Yours in Christ,
Maria Therese

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