So much happened this weekend that I haven't had time to write about it. Here's a few highlights:
Friday night I was invited to a dinner with some Grad Students. Kathleen and Matt were cooking and the food was amazing. Mary told the group her story about stalking a boy during her freshman year and Ryan shared a story about his trip to Italy and his 'poop' adventure. I'll try and find time to write that one up at some point because it's REALLY good.
Right around 10:00, Kathleen and I headed over to another Graduate party which was just down the road from my house. The party really died when we showed up, but we stayed until around midnight. After I dropped her off I went home to find yet ANOTHER party going on at my place. Brett had 12 of his friends over so I hung out with them for a bit before going to bed around 3:00.
I spent the first part of my Saturday studying. Around 5:00 I headed off to The Sesame Grill to meet Devan, Mario, Tim, Heather, Kate, Ricardo, Mary, and Peter for Sushi. After Sushi we went to the Festival of Praise on campus. I only stayed for 1 1/2 hours of the 2 hours that it lasted. I spent the last 30 minutes playing Frisbee outside with a little girl named Susanne that could throw and catch REALLY well for a 13 year old. Most guys I know can't throw as well as she can.
When the FOP was finished I met up with Devan, Mario, and Kathleen and we headed down to Froehlich's, which is a Restaurant / Bar. Our friend Jeff plays the drums and his band was the opening act for the night so we wanted to support them. Afterwards I was driving home and I noticed a car was following me. My phone rang and it was Kathleen calling to tell me that I forgot to say goodbye to her. Since she was already following me I invited her over and we hung out for a bit before she headed home for the night.
Sunday was spent at Church in the morning, doing homework, sleeping, talking with Maria, playing football, eating dinner at Josh's place, talking to Maria, playing guitar, and then writing in here before going to bed.
Maria In two days I'll either have a girlfriend or my closest friend will turn into an acquaintance. Until then I'll be praying hard about the decision.
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